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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Active Break Challenge

11th Dec 2020

Over the month of November and into December, the whole school took part in an Movement Break initiative from the Active School organisation.

Every class was given the challenge of completing one type of movement break each day. The movement breaks consisted of a running break, a walking break, exercises or dances. The children had a lot of fun doing their movement breaks.  Let's see what they said about their movement breaks,

Room 7 focused on dancing. Lola from Room 7 taught this was a really fun activity. Robyn from Room 22 said it was nice to refresh every now and again and it helped her focus on her work.

We had 10@10 every Monday and some classes performed 10@10 every day. We signed up to Fingal County Council and every Monday we had a new video to complete. Some of the exercises included jumping jacks, performing the plank, squats.

Some classes did laps around the yard. 6th class increased their time every day when they were running. It was hard work but great fun.

If you keep fit, and eat a healthy lunch every day, you will feel better about yourself.

It was great to see teachers joining in and taking part. It was good to get outside for a movement break as it helped our concentration when we went back into class.

We received good news last week when we won prizes from Active Flag for our efforts during this challenge. We are very proud to have completed this challenge and look forward to our own in-school challenge in January.