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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

6th Class 2019-2020-Schoolgirls- Zoom Presentation

6th Apr 2021

Congratulations to Ava Finneran and Cliodhna Ní Mhaonaigh on their recent awards from St. Teresa's National School. Unfortunately due to Covid19, the Annual School Presentations could not take place. However, fear not when Gerry Rowley and Marie Brady are on the case. A Zoom Presentation was organised recently where each of the 6th class girls from the class of 2020 received recognition in honour of all the hard work they put in over the last number of years with the Schoolgirls teams. Cliodhna received an award for Most Improved Player of the Year and Ava received an award for School Girl Gaelic Football Player of the Year. We are so proud of these girls and all of our 6th class from last year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Gerry, Marie and Ms. Cora Kiernan for their continued work with the underage girls in the school. Their work behind the scenes does not go unnoticed. We look forward to seeing all these girls star for the Killoe Ladies in years to come. We look forward to welcoming back our 6th class from last year for their Graduation when restrictions ease. Well done girls.