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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2023/2024 School Year

30th May 2024
Senior infants in room 3 learned all about Bees! They watched a very interesting...
29th May 2024
We had a most exciting and memorable day last Tuesday when our class went to visit...
23rd May 2024
Today all classes had a visit from the Education Team at Mulleady's to talk to us...
15th May 2024
What a wonderful day we had in St. Teresa's NS as we celebrated our first annual...
6th May 2024
Junior and Senior Infants went on a trip to Supermacs to make their very own pizzas....
1st May 2024
The Green School Committee organised a fantastic Whole School Spring Clean today....
1st May 2024
To show our support to the TY students from Scoil Mhuire, our school took part in...