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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2023/2024 School Year

21st Dec 2023
We took part in a STEM workshop recently and got to make and design kites.
21st Dec 2023
We were recently assigned a ringfort project. We had been learning all about ringforts...
21st Dec 2023
We had great fun on our trip to Corlea Bog.
21st Dec 2023
We enjoyed learning and playing chess. Mr. Mollaghan and Mr. Mimnagh even tried to...
21st Dec 2023
We had a fantastic day on Thursday 21st of December for our Christmas Walk. Everyone...
20th Dec 2023
The Green School Committee did a little litter spot check today! They were surprised...
12th Dec 2023
Senior infants painted brilliant snowmen in room 3 ☃️⛄️❄️
9th Dec 2023
Room 4 have been busy perfecting procedures! First we read a range of procedural...
6th Dec 2023
Third and Fourth class enjoyed designing and making their own amazing lighthouses....
6th Dec 2023
Our class had great fun observing real fruit bowls developing the valuable skill...