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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2022/2023 School Year

28th Sep 2022
Hot Air Balloons! 3rd and 4th class designed their own colourful hot air balloons...
27th Sep 2022
Some of our Art Work in 5th Class.
25th Sep 2022
History and art were integrated over the past few weeks as we became artists and...
25th Sep 2022
Our brand new Amber Flag Committee met up last week. Each room has a committee member...
12th Sep 2022
Please contact Cathy if you are interested in Speech and Drama Classes.
7th Sep 2022
We were so happy to see the sun shining for our first day back at school. We...
7th Sep 2022
We were so happy to see the sun shining for our first day back at school. Keep...