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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2021/2022 School Year

24th Jan 2022
Room 2 went on a winter walk recently to search for signs of winter. They enjoyed...
24th Jan 2022
The girls and boys from 6th Class, Room 22 will be taking part in the Creative Clusters...
24th Jan 2022
Rory from Ms. Gildea and Mr.Toher's room and his friends Conor and Colin spent two...
24th Jan 2022
Last week we listened to a poem called the Kraken during our Oral Language English...
24th Jan 2022
We are currently focusing on the Stand of Gymnastics in P.E. The Fundamental Movement...
10th Jan 2022
A huge thank you to Mickey and Mary Begley for their generous donation of minerals...