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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2021/2022 School Year

25th Jan 2022
4th Class took part in a Maths Trail exploring their local school environment. They...
25th Jan 2022
4th Class really enjoyed the opportunity to develop their football skills with Eoghan....
25th Jan 2022
This month we are covering the Gymnastics strand in PE while working on the FMS...
25th Jan 2022
3rd and 4th class are having fun  participating in gymnastics for P.E. 
25th Jan 2022
3rd and 4th class have been busy using their art skills to create these wonderful...
25th Jan 2022
We did lots of activities during Wellbeing Week.  Here is our display of...
25th Jan 2022
Back in October we studied Ancient Maya. Here is some of the art work we completed...
25th Jan 2022
Some art work we completed in September as we started back to school. We also...
25th Jan 2022
Room 1 were busy cutting out and pasting snowmen in the hope it would snow and they...