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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2022/2023 School Year

17th Nov 2022
As part of Science Week 2023, we organised a Science Fair with all four classes...
16th Nov 2022
As part of Science Week we had a visit from the Exploration Dome though Midland...
11th Nov 2022
We had great fun in 6th class creating our Spaced Themed Art out of fibre and fibre...
10th Nov 2022
We were delighted to welcome back Ciaran to our school. Ciaran will spend the next...
10th Nov 2022
There was great excitement in the 6th class corridor on Thursday 10th of November...
10th Nov 2022
A little view of some of the activities the students in Senior Sonas got up to...
9th Nov 2022
1st and 2nd class joined together for a trip to our local library and Garda station....
9th Nov 2022
The children really enjoyed the problem solving challenges.