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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher


2021/2022 School Year

24th Jan 2022
Rory from Ms. Gildea and Mr.Toher's room and his friends Conor and Colin spent two...
24th Jan 2022
Last week we listened to a poem called the Kraken during our Oral Language English...
24th Jan 2022
We are currently focusing on the Stand of Gymnastics in P.E. The Fundamental Movement...
10th Jan 2022
A huge thank you to Mickey and Mary Begley for their generous donation of minerals...
21st Dec 2021
Wishing everyone a very happy & healthy Christmas and New Year. We really...
19th Dec 2021
We have prepared a selection of Christmas songs, a poem and the Crazy Santa Dance....
18th Dec 2021
The 2nd Class Christmas Show We recorded some poems for our Christmas Show...
17th Dec 2021
We would like to wish everyone in our school and parish a very happy and safe Christmas....
17th Dec 2021
Our Annual Santa Dash 2021 took place on Friday 17th of December. Once again...