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St Teresa's National School, Clontumpher

Our School Band


St. Treasa’s National school are very proud of our Irish heritage and culture and this can be seen in the many activities and societies we partake in.  St. Teresa’s school band was founded in 1978 by Mrs. Rose Hagan, a teacher of the school at the time. There were fifty members in the band at that time and their music consisted of tin whistles and accordions. Mrs. Hagan taught the music to the members of the band and they were instructed in marching by Mr. Michael Reynolds, a member of the army band from Athlone.  Our school band performed at different events including football matches, festivals and parades.  We are very lucky to have other local people with expertise volunteering their help in the last number of years.

The St. Patrick ’s Day parade in Longford is an annual event for our school band and we have consistently won prizes for our performances on the day.  As soon as January kicks off, our main focus is on preparation for the St. Patrick’s Day parade. The numerous trophies on display are an indication of the great achievements of the band and we hope this success will continue.