Active Break Challenge
Active Break Challenge:
We took on the Active Break Challenge in our school. We know that physical activity helps us to stay healthy, concentrate and focus and to have FUN!
We completed lots of running, dancing and many exercises outside and inside.
Some days we tried to complete all three in the one day. We completed this for four weeks. Every class was given a laminated Active Break Template for outside their room. The Active Flag Committee reminded classes each day to complete their Active Break. The template was ticked off by the Committee when they completed their active breaks.
We look forward to doing it again this year.
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders:
As part of our plan to renew our Active Flag, we decided to roll out a Playground Leadership course with our 5th classes. Mr.Toher completed the Playground Leadership course with the boys and girls from Ms. Fox’s 5th class. The boys and girls discussed the importance of responsibility and leadership and discussed how they could help the younger classes on yard. They completed an assessment at the end of the course and passed with flying colours. We then set up a rota across all the different yards. Every day when we are on yard, we wear our Yard Leaders bibs we received from Active Flag so that the younger children know who to go to if they have a problem. We look forward to some day getting back to normal when we can return to our Yard Leader responsibilities.
Physical Activity
The fourth class had a great time learning all about the game of Rugby. The children really enjoyed all the different activities especially the tackle bag. Who knows we might have an international player right here in fourth class.
Room 4 love practising their football skills. The future of football is bright!
It is a great game that encourages team work and passing! There was great fun had in the sun!
St Teresa's National School, Killoe, Co. Longford
Phone: 043 332 3352 | Email: